Friday, May 30, 2008

Computer Roles in Our Life

by: Rizqi Fadillah

In this global era, technology has improved faster than any other knowledge in this world. One of those technology is computer which is has influence our live. In 2007, 72 % of homes in the world had own computer. From that fact, we can know that computer was a part of our live that can be separated. Computer is not only helping us for write but also for any other work. However, computer has disadvantages if we work in front of it in a long time such as eyes sick or mutation in our cell. In other hand, although computer has some disadvantages, I still use it because not only the knowledge and the practical it gives, but also the thing it can do.

First of all, computer might have some disadvantages. The disadvantages usually come out when the computer’s worker work with computer in long time. Computer’s disadvantages such as eyes sick, mutation, and forget of time because focusing in work or game are come after four until five hours work in front of computer. Eyes sick come to us because of the emission of radiation from computer. That emission makes our eyes red and acute for several minute but it is still okay if we put some eye drop into our eyes. The mutation in our cell actually took several years to change our body into something such as minus eyes or else. For forget of the time usually come for the computer maniac or gamer who play for a whole day. This disadvantage can make bad attitude for the future and that attitude only make disaster.

From other side, computer is more practical than other machine. We can know it if we compare computer with other machine. Computer is faster than typewriter in order to typing something. If we use computer, we mustn’t retyped when we have something wrong or false. So, computer is more efficient than typewriter. Typewriter can’t save writing that we had done but computer can do that. That make computer more practical than other machine.

Not only that but also computer gives a lot of information for us. Computer can give news from past and present. With it we can know what happen in another country in this time or 50000 years ago at any places in this world. Computer also contains knowledge about various subjects such as economic, politic, religion or many others. That happens when computer connected with internet which it contains any subject in this world from news, knowledge, movies, etc. but in order to connect with internet computer might have something such as wireless or telephone connection in that computer.

Finally, computer is a machine that can do a lot of thing. Computer with it is connection in internet make us can communicate with other in long range. For example is e-mail and chatting. Computer is can save our data in its memory such as music, picture, video, writing, and other. At least, computer can refresh our mind from daily activities. With computer we can play a game or an online game that connected with internet. So, we can enjoy and forget daily activities for some minute or hour.

In short, computer is amazing machine that human have made. And computer is a machine that practical than other machine, gives a lot of information from around the world, and can do a lot of thing. So, computer is the best technology this day. although the best technology still had some disadvantages, I still prefer to use it than other technology for this day.

The Obstacle of the Current Curriculum Operation for Elementary School

by: Indria Hapsari

Education is a vital point in country development. If the education quality increases, country development will increase as well. The government uses curriculum to support education operation. Curriculum is used as a guide for teachers in operating the education. The Indonesian government still raises the education quality by making the curriculum which is suitable for students and teachers. At this moment, the Indonesian government uses Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) as their guide in education operation. The government uses this curriculum expecting the education quality, which is left far behind comparing to other countries, will increase, but to operate the education using this curriculum is difficult, especially for the curriculum operator in elementary school level. The former curriculum, the inconsistency of the government in making curriculum, and lack of socialization to teachers makes the curriculum operators hard to reach the goal of the current curriculum.

The former curriculum makes the curriculum operators difficult to reach the goal of the current curriculum. In the previous curriculum, the 1994 Curriculum, students considered teachers and textbooks as their learning sources. Students just attended school and accepted lessons which were given by their teachers and textbooks. This kind of learning method made elementary school students, which is supposed to be active and creative, being passive. When government changed the 1994 Curriculum to Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK), students had to change their learning habits. The goal of KBK is to make students being more active, creative, and independent in learning, but students had the difficulties in adapting the new curriculum because of using the 1994 Curriculum for a long time.

The next obstacle is the government changes the curriculum continuously. The government changes the KBK into KTSP in a short time. KBK was arranged in 2004 and still in progress of development when suddenly the government changed it to KTSP in 2007, although KBK had not reached its goal yet. The sudden change made students and teachers, who were still not getting used to KBK, had to adapt the new curriculum once again from the beginning.

The current curriculum may be effective if there is enough socialization to teachers and other curriculum operators. There are teachers who still don't know the curriculum well. In KTSP, the government just provides the guide which contains competency standards and contents of the curriculum. Teachers have freedom in developing and deciding their own targets and standards in teaching. The government uses KTSP expecting teachers to develop and make the curriculum is more suitable with their condition and environment, but this curriculum only makes some teachers confused. Some of them still use the old curriculum, the 1994 Curriculum, which is easier to understand.

The current curriculum, KTSP, actually is really good and promising. It supports elementary school students to be more active, creative, and more independent in learning. Although the operation is still not effective because of the former curriculum, the inconsistency of the government in making curriculum, and lack of socialization to teachers, I think the problems still can be fixed. The government should observe the current curriculum operation, which is very suitable to students at this time; in order to make the curriculum gets the maximum results.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Importance of National Exam

by: Yessica Gloria

In the second half of the twentieth century, education has come to be viewed as a key to equality and equity in all societies. It is an essential social-human capital for the advancement of individual and country existences. Based on a recent report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that in the global education rankings, Indonesia ranked lower than Malaysia (56) and Brunei Darussalam (43), but higher than some other Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam (79), the Philippines (82), and Cambodia (103) (The Jakarta Post Daily, May 12, 2008). Therefore, National Exam is carried out by National Education Standard Committee (NESC) as an effort to increase Indonesian rank based on Government Law no.19/ 2005 concerned National Education Standard. Unfortunately, The Education Ministry reported that around 9 percent of High School students failed The National Exam. Ironically, some of them had already been admitted to universities through special admissions programs for bright and talented students. This caused many polemics in Indonesia. Many people started to blame the National Exam levying and want to end it. But actually The National Exam is used to making consideration for certifying completion of secondary education (12th grade) to enter university, mapping the quality of educational program, revealing the justice in passing the pupils , and motivating the students to study more seriously and harder.

National Exam is a pure examination which is given by government to the pupils. There is no interference from the school directions. The National Exam is levied under government supervision. According to Regulation of National Education Minister no.34 / 2007, National Exam in Indonesia has certain passing grade to be fulfilled. In 2008, the minimum average of scores is 5.25 for all subjects with no score under 4.25. Beside, National Exam matters are made by National Education Standard Committee (NESC) and The Education Assessment Center. These matters are very secret and unpredictable. Then, the observation in test room is conducted by team of National Exam supervisor with pure crossed system between school and Islamic school. So, from the government side, actually The National Exam levying with its all regulations is very efficient in certifying completion of secondary education (12th grade) to enter university.

The result of National Exam can be a basic material to map whole Indonesian educational quality. We can use various methods to make it such as, collecting the valid and invalid data, using polygon representation based on color as parameter differentiation, computing the average of scores in each district, and so on. This statistics can also help the government in making new policy concerned Indonesian educational. So that our educational system will experience an improvement from year to year.

National Exam had been held in each area in Indonesia. There is a long-standing gap between schools in rural areas and those in urban areas. The Education Ministry always ranks the quality of school in Indonesia every year. All schools in Indonesia have their own predicate according to their ranks. Our government is very fair in making the National Exam. They divide National Exam matters into three groups (A, B, and C). Group A is the lowest, group B is average, and group C is for the school with high predicate. Although the matters are divided into three, the National Exam regulations still have same role in each area. It can reveal the justice in passing pupils nationally.

National Exam results are the only measurement to decide whether students graduate or not. Every student exactly wants to enter the next higher education, but they have to pass National Exam first. Beside, socially, having good scores in National Exam can give the students a good prestige. It brings the students a desire to reach a high score. In other conditions, some institutions using National Exam result as one of terms to enter them. They will of course ashamed to their friends and families if they were failed in National Exam. So directly, National Exam can give a strong motivation to the students to study hard and hard everyday.

In conclusion, National Exam can strengthen our National education quality. Its results present the statistic of our educational grade periodically. It also has a strict regulation which can certify the completion of secondary education. The implementation of National Exam reveals the justice in passing the pupils. It could be an instrument to create a fair competition among students, schools, and provinces. It is also able to motivate the students study more seriously.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I give my life and my company, but
they just keep demanding more...

New in this section: 'Bowling with Bilbo'

I'll keep a look out....

Press it because you want to....

No crack?

How do you do?

One lump or two?

Thank you for open!

I wouldn't dare...


Got too many kids?

Falling should be planned...

That would explain the beer cubs outside...

Are you smiling?

Start with the big toe...

Other children are OK...

A difficult meal...

And if you're dead, please get to a hospital...