Monday, June 2, 2008

Diet is not a Better Choice

by: Dian Wahyuningsih

Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat. Proper nutrition requires the proper ingestion and equally important, the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and fuel in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A particular diet may be chosen to seek weight gain, weight loss, sports training, cardio-vascular health, avoidance of cancers, food allergies and for other reasons. Diet causes many illness, not so good for teenager, and there`s other choice than diet.

Firstly, diet was causes many illness. Having a diet addict increases your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, breathing problems, arthritis, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea (breathing problems while sleeping), osteoarthritis, and some cancers. Other horrifying illness caused by unhealthy diet are anorexia nervousa which is make you look so pale although you aren`t sick. Your health care provider can help you figure out your body mass.

Secondly, diet is not so good for teenager. It is tempting to eat less healthy foods because they might be easier to get or prepare, or they satisfy a craving. Between family and work or school, you are probably balancing a hundred things at once. As a student need some energy for studying. How they can concentrate at school if they`re hungry. And teenager is a time for growth for girl, limit for growth is 17 years old and for boy is 21 years old. Sometime, for girls they doing diet in order to be as perfect as they can do for their boyfriends. But, if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend which love you wholehearthedly, he/she will accpect your negative sides especially your physical appearance.

Thirdly, there`s many way become healthy than diet. Exercise is the best way for healthy when you do it regularly. You can make sense of the mounds of nutrition information there. A little learning and planning can help you find a healthy body to fit your lifestyle, don’t be alcoholic, smoked and drug addict. Always smiles for healing stress can be the next answer become healthy. Think positive although in bad situation.

Can you imagine that? The bad sides if you`re unhealthy diet person. You`ll got the horrifying illness caused by uncontrolled diet. And also remember that exercise, eat nutrician food, think positive, always smile in every condition are the example that there`re many way become healthy.

1 comment:

Piperflam said...

Quite interesting, Dian. I believe everyone of us in the class can learn much from this essay. But can you elaborate more especially the first body paragraph, which is about diseases caused by dietary habits?

After you do that, don't forget to proofread (edit and revise) this essay, OK?