Monday, June 2, 2008

Movie Censorship Institution

by: Anita Iriana

Movie censorship institution (LSF) is made on government regulation no. 8, 1992 about movies. Every movie or advertisement which will be turned in television or cinemas has to exceed censor. Movie censorship institution has duty to censor movie and advertisement which will be showed in front of society, determine themes, pictures, scenes, sounds or texts, and give opinion about it. Truthly, to say that movie censorship institution is important or not is not easy. In one said, communication is human right and it is protected by government. But in other side, if there were no movie censorship institution, there will be violence. In this situation, our country is demanded to take an important role to protect their society from negative influences which is caused by cinematography opus, including movie. To prevent those things, I think movie censorship is important because of its benefits like reduce porno action, violence, and avoid fights among the elements of society.

First is reduce porno action. One of many terrified things that we worried now is pornography and porno action which become trend in this era. May be it happens because of globalization. The expansion of globalization has negative effects in the development of our movies. Our culture moved and changed. We never prepared for it like another countries which had prepared their self before to face pornography and porno action. They can maintain their culture and able to absorb the benefits from it. May be they do not need an institution like movie censorship institution because their way of think more than us. Can you imagine if there are coitus scenes which are showed in Indonesian society? Is it proper for them? Are we realize with its effects? It can go to free sex, which is not proper for our moral and culture.

Second is reduce violence in our society. May be we still remember with the death of elementary children because of watching wrestling scenes. It is pity to know that those movie is stopped after any victims and got the protest from many people. Violence act phenomenon which develops faster in our society may be is influenced by violence scenes in movie. As the effect, it can make an impression that violence in real life is corrected.

The last is avoid fights among the elements of society. Do you know with “Long Road to Heaven” movie? It is movie about Bali’s boom tragedy. This movie is can not be able to be turned in some regions. Many people dislike with movie censor ship institution decision. I think movie censorship institution has another idea so that this movie can not be turned. This movie is also rejected in Bali because it can open their memories about Bali’s tragedy, make horizontal conflict which is caused by Sara, and impede Bali’s recovery.

For the conclusion, I think movie censorship institution is important because of its benefits. They do their function and duty based on censor criteria to protect our society from negative effect which is caused by movie and not proper with our principal and aim of Indonesian movie. To build and to expand Indonesian movie in the future is our willingness as Indonesian society. We can do it without making controversial movies. We can do it with expanding the quality of the movie. For example are Ayat-ayat Cinta, Naga Bonar, and Harry Potter. Those movies are famous because of its quality. If every movie has quality like that, I think we don’t need movie censorship institution again.


Piperflam said...

I appreciate the originality of your writing. The organization is fine.

However, you need to consider changing the title. 'Movie Censorship Institution' is too plain and does not reflect any attitude of yours towards the subject.

Don't forget to proofread this essay before you submit the hardcopy to me, Anita. Make use of the learning materials for editing and revising I gave you in the class, OK?

emailrame2 said...

Yes mr., I will do that

emailrame2 said...
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