Monday, June 2, 2008

Cheaper Doesn’t Always Mean Happier

by: Oki Haryo N.

Thesis statement:

  • Increasing human resource’s quality, maintaining and improving the system are three things to make a good transportation system that consider as difficult and expensive projects.

First body paragraph

  • First, good system ran by good workers
    1. Good quality is marked by good education while good education needs higher fee.
    2. Better payment, better worker.
    3. Bad payment may cause lack of attitude which can trigger deviance by the workers.
    4. ex. of deviance:
      • Corruption
      • Rule disobeying
      • Crime
      • Etc.
    5. Conclusion: Increasing the quality of human resource means to educate and pay the workers well which consider highly cost.

Second body paragraph

  • To make a good system of transportation, Don't forget to improve all the infrastructures.
    1. Improving the road to be a better road
    2. Bad quality of the road may cause disasters such as:
      • Traffic jam
      • Car Accident
      • Car hijacking
    3. Providing better vehicles.
    4. Expanding the route.
    5. Conclusion: Although highly cost, improving all aspects that need to be improved will make our journey to home or workplace safe and comfort.

Third body paragraph.

· The last but not least, maintaining the infrastructure of transportation yet become very important if we want to always feel safe and comfort while we are traveling although it cost a lot.

    1. Keeping the road and the vehicle in good condition are cost.
    2. Ignoring the maintenance of transportation infrastructure is the same as ignoring our safety.

Concluding Paragraph:

  • There is always a cost when we want to create a good transportation system.

Cheaper Doesn’t Always Mean Happier

How do you go to your office or to your school everyday? Using public transportations or your own ride? Well, for those who traveling in Jakarta by your own car or motorbike, it seems to be safer and more comfortable, isn’t it? But, those who use public transportation may also have something different. You will feel something that personal vehicle rider will never feel. You also pay lesser price than those who use their personal vehicle. But in developing country like Indonesia, especially in a crowded city such as Jakarta, sometimes we found that “cheap doesn’t guarantee happiness”. Why? It is because we are still a developing country. We are still developing in many aspects until now, including develops our transportation system. Sometimes we find several cheaper ideas that still doubtful. In my opinion, I’d prefer paying more than using uncertain choice. It also happens when choosing public transportation. There are a lot of choice that offering cheaper price but still uncertain, we don’t know whether it safe or not. This condition actually depends on how good our transportation system is. How to make a good transportation system? It is what we will discuss in this passage. Increasing human resource’s quality, maintaining and improving the system are three things to make a good transportation system that consider as difficult and expensive jobs.

First, a good system comes from good quality of people who run the system. Transportation workers are the main human resources to run a transportation system. Their quality depends on their education and payment. But, most of transportation workers in Indonesia are still in bad quality. Their educational background and payment are still below the par. Their bad quality brings to lack of attitude that may triggers deviance. For example, one of the deviances that happened is corruption that happened among DLLAJR officer. The simplest one is ineffectively wasting working time. We often see it. The other example is when we found a driver of public transportation disobeying the rules. They often cause traffic jam and risking many people. The bad payment will tend them to be criminals as well. Fixing them by educating and paying them well will consider highly cost.

Secondly, to make a good system of transportation, our government, (or even) we must improve all aspects that need improvement. For example are the road and the vehicle. Broken road that has not being fixed may cause disasters such as traffic jam, traffic accident, and car jacking. The last seems to be the most dangerous. Vehicle usually walks slower when it through a broken road. This condition makes carjacker’s job getting easier. Low quality of vehicle also causes bad things. Based on research, low quality vehicle including old vehicle has more tendency to crush than a vehicle with better quality. A vehicle also must passed emission test which is done periodically. According to the statistics, fixing broken roads and providing good vehicle for public transportation take a high cost. But, it is one example of public transportation improvement. It takes Rp. 720.000.000,-/unit to provide vehicle for “busway” project in Jakarta. I’m sure to fix a unit also has a price. Although highly cost, improving all aspects of transportation that need to be improved will make our journey to home or to workplace safe and comfort.

The last but not least, don’t forget to maintain all things that we consider as good things although it cost. “Transportation is a precise business”, ( The Transporter). This quotation is true. All aspects related to transportation and must precisely calculate. One missed calculation means death. That’s why it is very important to maintain a vehicle in a good condition. Ignoring the maintenance of transportation infrastructure is the same as ignoring our safety. But once again, maintain something good also has a cost. Although cost, maintaining the infrastructure of transportation yet become very important if we want to always feel safe and comfort while we are traveling.

There is always a cost when we want to create a good transportation system. People that choose safety and comfort as priority in traveling are happier people than the people who only demand for the cheaper one although they must pay more for the cost.

1 comment:

Piperflam said...

Oki, I like your special interest in social problems. The organization of this essay is good, and I believe it is original.

However, there are still too many grammatical mistakes. The punctuation and capitalization of this essay also need improvement. In short, do proofreading, OK? Also consider changing the title. Your title is actually interesting, but it doesn't really express the subject you are talking about.